

Repeat Prescriptions

We have a dedicated phone line for ordering of repeat prescriptions at both sites.

  • Brixworth: 01604 883987
  • Guilsborough: 01604 749931

These lines are open between 09:00 – 12:30 daily Monday to Friday.

There are also other ways to order your repeat medication:

  • Online via the NHS app or EMIS access.  For information on how to do this please ask at Reception/Dispensary
  • Calling in person to the surgery
  • Posting request to the above address

We are a dispensing practice, so if you live more than a mile from a pharmacy you will be able to get your medication directly from us. Dispensary opening times are Monday – Friday 08:30 – 18:30.

If you are not a dispensary patient or would prefer to have your medication from a Pharmacy, your prescriptions can be sent electronically.  Your prescriptions can be sent electronically to Guilsborough Pharmacy or another pharmacy of your choice.  Alternatively you can collect a paper prescription from the surgery.

Acute medicines are given to patients as quickly as possible, however we need 4 working days to prepare repeat medication items.

Your medication or prescription will have a list of your regular items attached for ease of further ordering, this will also have the date on which your next medication review is due.  Please book a review with the Clinical Pharmacist or appropriate Clinician.

We also provide a home delivery service.  Please ask dispensary for details.

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